如何从命令行运行IIS的方法 iis命令行打开
如何从命令行运行IIS的方法 iis命令行打开
今天小编特意整理了一些从命令行运行IIS Express的方法,前提是服务器安装Windows 7或更高版本以及IIS Express。
从命令行使用IIS Express运行站点
您无需管理员用户权限即可运行本演练中的命令。但是,如果要在编号为1024或更小的端口上运行IIS Express,则必须具有管理员用户权限。
2.运行以下命令以导航到IIS Express安装文件夹:
cd \Program Files\IIS Express
cd \Program Files (x86)\IIS Express
3.运行以下命令以查看IIS Express用法字符串:
iisexpress /?
IIS Express Usage:
iisexpress [/config:config-file] [/site:site-name] [/siteid:site-id] [/systray:boolean]
iisexpress /path:app-path [/port:port-number] [/clr:clr-version] [/systray:boolean]
The full path to the applicationhost.config file. The default value is the IISExpress8\config\applicationhost.config file that is located in the user's Documents folder.
The name of the site to launch, as described in the applicationhost.config file.
The ID of the site to launch, as described in the applicationhost.config file.
The full physical path of the application to run. You cannot combine this option with the /config and related options.
The port to which the application will bind. The default value is 8080. You must also specify the /path option.
/clr:clr-version The .NET Framework version (e.g. v2.0) to use to run the application. The default value is v4.0. You must also specify the /path option.
Enables or disables the system tray application. The default value is true.
Valid values are info or i,warning or w,error or e.
iisexpress /site:WebSite1
This command runs WebSite1 site from the user profile configuration file.
iisexpress /config:c:\myconfig\applicationhost.config
This command runs the first site in the specified configuration file.
iisexpress /path:c:\myapp\ /port:80
This command runs the site from c:\myapp folder over port 80.
使用/ config从配置文件运行站点。
使用/ path从应用程序文件夹运行站点。
注意:无法组合/ path选项和/ config选项。
5.站点运行后,您可以使用IIS Express系统托盘进行管理。有关更多信息,请参阅使用Windows系统托盘管理网站和应用程序。或者,您可以通过运行以下选项来禁用系统托盘:
重启IIS服务器,开始->运行->cmd (以下列出相关操作命令):
iisreset /RESTART 停止后启动
iisreset /START 启动IIS (如果停止)
iisreset /STOP 停止IIS (如果启动)
iisreset /REBOOT 重启电脑
iisreset /REBOOTonERROR 如果停止IIS失败重启电脑
iisreset /NOFORCE 不用强迫IIS停止
iisreset /TIMEOUT:X 在X秒后,IIS被强制停止,除非 /NOFORCE 参数给出. 内容来自
最方便的使用,当然你也可在CMD下运行:iisreset /start
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